
Tokyo Rock Shounen

Title: Tokyo Rock Shounen (東京ロック少年)
Author: Kikuchi Kamaro (菊地かまろ)
Status: 1 volume (Complete)
Summary: Mai dreams of being a rock star, but her band suddenly breaks up. Then, in front of Mai who's on the brink of losing hope, appears an unfashionable guy who says he likes her voice. With the help of this dull-looking guy, Mai gains some popularity, but wait, that guy is actually...!?

Contains 4 stories:
Tokyo Rock Shounen
Tokyo Rock Shoujo
Tokyo Rock School
Tokyo Rock League

Story 1 Released
Story 2 Released
Story 3 Released
Story 4 Released


  1. hey thanks for scanlating this... reading this made my day

  2. oh my gosh i can't wait until the next chapter comes out!!!!!! and thanks for all your hardwork that made it possible for me to read this manga

  3. I want to take my time out and give a big thank you to Eternal Heart. I always love reading Kikuchi Kamaro's works and to finally read this manga made my day a little:) If her work came out in English, I would have brought her mangas in a flash. It would be nice if people scanned her other manga...but I'm still happy:) Thank you and keep up the good work:) You guys are the best!

  4. Thank you so much i love this spin off. Please keep up the good work we are so grateful =] nousatsu rock shounen was awesome and i was sad when it ended so that you so much for translating this one for us. Big thumbs up

  5. thanks for scanning this manga i have been waiting to read this

  6. Hi, thanks so much for all your hard work scanlating this awesome manga <3 I love Nousatsu Rock Shounen (well, anything by Kikuchi Kamaro, really) so this spin-off series totally made my day! You guys rock (ho ho) <3 <3

  7. thanks for this one!
    i love kamaro-sensei and you guys~

  8. I'm so glad I stumbled across this! :D Thanks so much for sharing! I've been a huge Kamaro fan since Nousatsu Rock Shounen. ♥
